Our Committee

We are working hard on moving forward as an independent group and next steps for us is to choose a name. Exciting times ahead.

At the committee meeting in March 2021 we discussed the general meeting to be held on the 4 h March and the proposal being put to members for a vote.

We decided that whatever the outcome of the vote we will be setting up an independent stitch group.

We would prefer to do that with the support of the guild as they have promised us a package that will include sample constitution, advice re insurance etc, policies and practice documents and a small grant to help with start up. We will also receive an excel accounts package in order to support the treasurer ( this is the package Sandra currently uses) The Guild has also said that it will list our new group on its new website and give us gallery space which will enable members of the public looking for a stitch group to join to easily find us. In addition we will still have access to the Folio collection.

At the meeting we looked at an Action Plan for the new group and potential costings for the next two years. We have voted unanimously to continue and to work together to make a bright and exciting future for our members. We discussed our Spring programme and decided we will honour all contracts for our proposed speakers. The Guild has appointed an individual to pay the outstanding contracts for March and April and so the next two speaker costs are covered.

In order for the new group to flourish we will need to ask for membership fees. The committee hope that current members will decide to join the new group in May, which will be our launch date.

At the moment we need to wait for the outcome of the meeting on March 4th to know whether we are able to retain all our resources or whether liquidators will strip the cupboard bare! We still have details to work out so this email is just to let you all know what our intentions are.

Thinking ahead to the kind of programme we would offer it might look like this:-

  • Holding monthly meetings with speakers 8 times a year. These meetings may be by Zoom or when possible, at a meeting place ( St Mary's Hall in Derby)

  • A programme outlining speakers and events will be made available to members yearly.

  • Hold a workshop Day once a year using members interests and talents.

  • Hold a Christmas event every December

  • Organise a visit to an appropriate venue in August

  • AGM every May

  • Sales tables and raffles

  • Monthly Chat and Stitch groups

  • Monthly newsletter for all members

  • “2 Facebook pages, one public and one private.

  • A web site

  • Monthly library for members

  • Visits and Outings to exhibitions and to relevant venues

  • Hold exhibitions and develop links with the wider community

  • Engage with other stitch groups within the region

  • Maintain our position as Derbys premier stitch group and build membership numbers.

Sound familiar? Of course we can add in other activities as funds and volunteers allow.

We do hope that you will offer your support to the Committee and are excited to see what the future holds

Best wishes

Eve and the Committee

Committee Meetings

Covid 19 and its restrictions have put the usual jolly cake filled committee meetings on hold, however, it has not stopped us meeting.

We now have our meetings via Zoom.

We have been discussing a wide range of issues lately : The Hospital Heroes Project, Speakers, National Fees, Branch fees and our finances and most importantly “how do we ensure we keep in touch with members when branch meetings have been suspended?”

The committee decided to share information from Head Office about National Fees and to use branch resources to fund Zoom speakers for November and December. We will not be asking for branch fees before Christmas.

The committee continue to meet virtually and Zoom meetings are arranged till December.

Apologies were received from several members.

Here are the Chair's notes from October's meeting

A Zoom committee meeting was held and reports taken from officers We discussed the online bank account and the ease which it has bought to refunding payments to members for day schools and outings that didn’t happen. Still a few to do but getting there.

Still some difficulties with next years

Speaker bookings as some people still have to return booking forms. As soon as we are able we will publish the list. Pam Keeling will be the speaker in November and arrangements were made to try out the Zoom process in advance.

Membership fees have been paid to head office but we are currently waiting for a clear list and until then we will continue with the list we have from March 2019.

Several new ideas for projects in the New Year were discussed and will be firmed up after Christmas.

The committee discussed the Work of the Hospital sub group and expressed their thanks for the hard work they have been doing.

The branch chair will be attending the next sub group meeting and will feed back to them from the branch committee.

Our Patron Pam fed back the good news that the silk Mill hope to install the large Hospital hanging from the last Hospital exhibition in January or February.

Eve Cook


Committee Members

This is excellent news as it means we can move forward knowing that we will be able to retain all our resources and will have a supportive information package from the Guild.

80% of the vote was in favour of the proposal which is a very decisive result.



The vote has been counted and the membership has voted overwhelmingly FOR the motion proposed by the trustees.


Pam Patron & Special Projects



Membership Secretary


Committee Member

Programme Secretary

Marketing & Publicity

Post Vacant
Outings Secretary

Committee Member
