Wyaston Workshop 2013: TWINCHIES
We held a day workshop at Wyaston on Saturday October 12th 2013 when participants could choose from 8 starter workshops which allowed them to sample various embroidery skills and to apply them onto a sketch book cover in the form of ‘Twinchies’, two -inch squares.
The idea of the 'Twinchies' and applying them to the colourful covers of sketchbooks was Ruth Broadbent's (Branch Chair). Unfortunately Ruth was unable to be with us due to illness but contributed her sample books and ideas to the mixed media workshop.
Kit Smith was also unable to run the Needle Felting workshop but her sample books gave inspiration to the students.
Examples of 'Twinchies' made by the
workshop tutors and attached to sketchbooks
Deciding which they would like to do?
Preparing for the Beaded Initial workshop with Lynne Barwick
Meeting friends before the work begins
Bargello Workshop with Helen Livesey ready to go
Mixed Media workshop with Beryl Slade in full swing.
Crazy Patchwork with Jan Reid
Eddie Cheadle came to the rescue and ran the Needle Felting workshop as well as her own Fabric Tiles activity.
Ready to go: Free Style Embroidery with Kate Yorke
Having fun!
Young recruit?
Hard at work at the Bargello workshop
Decision time?
Bargello - stitch detail
Twinchies cake and tray bakes made by Kate to bring the day to a satisfying end.
A whole picture made with needle felting and stitch.
Crochet work in progress at the Crochet Flowers workshop with Pauline Fitzpatrick
Finished sketchbooks - a mix of mixed media including Ruth's wrapped cocktail sticks
A lovely mix of finished Twinchies
More work incorporating different skills
Work in progress: lovely colour coordination with patchwork, metals (mixed media) and felt.
A student fascinated by wire and metal