Heart of the Stitch

Daventry & District

Daventry & District also known as: "Heart of the Stitch"

Our Summer programme is based on a series of inspirational monthly projects. These are innovative, experimental and will appeal to all who love to stitch. Members will receive materials, kits and instructions presented by textile and embroidery artists by post, email and video. Costs are minimal and often free of charge. We extend a warm welcome to all budding enthusiasts.

Chair - vacant at present

Secretary - Janet Gosling -heartofthestitch@gmail.com

Treasurer - Sheila Smith - sheila-home@live.com

IT Rep - Janet Gosling - heartofthestitch@gmail.com

We are currently meeting on the 3rd Wednesday of the month

2pm - 4pm


Whilton Locks, Whilton, Daventry, Northants. NN11 2NH,

To join us please contact:

Janet Gosling, email: heartofthestitch@gmail.com

hoS programme Spring 2022.pdf