Programme and Workshops 2012
Our programme for 2012 is as follows:
22 March - talk by Alison Holt on her machine embroidered landscapes.
24 March - Saturday workshop with Alison Holt - flowers and foliage techniques in machine embroidery.
£20 for branch members, £25 for visitors. Limited number of places - please email to reserve a place.
26 April - Talk by Phillippa Phillips on using recycled materials in hand embroidery.
24 May - Talk by Michelle Harper - textile conservator.
23 June - Saturday workshop - an informal day working on a project from Stitch magazine - drawn thread panel with a contemporary
twist - additional surface stitching and beads! All welcome, but let us know in advance please! £10 for the day to cover hall rental.
28 June - Talk by Kumi Middleton - Kimono to Bag.
26 July - mini workshop - a hand stitched challenge led by members of the branch.
Visit from Robert Smyth textile students and presentation of annual awards to them.
23 August - members outing TBC
27 Sept - AGM
25 October - Talk by Sue Lancaster on Evolutionary Textiles
27 October - Saturday workshop with Sue Lancaster - Gambling with Creation - handstitching with surprises!
£20 for branch members, £25 for visitors - places limited.
22 November - Talk by Cherrilyn Tyler on her work.