Letter from Marianne Young - Vice Chairman of EMREG
Post date: Mar 02, 2021 10:59:54 AM
Last Thursday 18th February a notice from the Embroiderers Guild arrived advising members that the Trustees had called a General meeting to be held on Thursday 4th March. The proposed resolution leaves the members with very little option and no chance of time to negotiate or explore any other options. And in their opinion the branches and regions are no longer viable financially- 1500 people did not renew in September this alone represents lost income of £57k.
This whole situation, has arisen very quickly and there are many reasons why immediate steps were also taken to freeze the Bank accounts, and why a system was put in place in order for branch treasurers to pay off any invoices already in process for February, March and April.
You can find the notice of the meeting and Answers to Questions here:
Also there is a podcast interview with Dr Penny Hill, Guild Trustee via stitchery stories
This is indeed a very sorry situation that we find ourselves in, the Guild has had many troubles since it was formed, finance, premises and management have been constant issues, and we all have experience and opinions on this, and how we got here or were brought here, and I suggest that if you have specific questions they are forwarded as set out in the notice from the trustees.
Many existing members have expressed their disappointment,disapproval and disagreement with this situation,understandably and it is very difficult for some to see any positives - however this situation also does present opportunity for us.
I have had contact with many branches who have said they do not want to lose contact and they feel strongly that the relationships that they have with each other through branches should carry on and they are willing to set up as independent stitch groups - and as we are hopefully moving out of the oppression that Covid has wrought upon us we may soon be able to resume a new normal in many ways. Albeit with the Apron strings of the Guild removed.
Firstly we need to build the network that will connect and sustain us over the first few stormy months ( the data protection requirements mean that our regional data base is likely to be unavailable very soon)
Therefore, the regional committee would like to ensure we have those connections, and Alyssa Robinson from Market Harborough, has initially set up a WhatsApp group that we can use to begin with. So that these contacts are not lost we would like one contact please from each existing branch
Please text a mobile telephone number to Alyssa to be added.
07788842203 or contact Alyssa
Stating name and current branch.
Alyssa has offered to collate this group for us for the purpose of purely staying connected until we have other systems in place.
The existing Regional Committee, all its former committee members and Chairs have always worked hard for the Region and we are still here and willing to help where we can. East Midlands Region has always been active and financially stable.
Embroidery and a love of stitch and textiles is what brought us all together and I wholeheartedly believe this will hold us together, we are after all the same people, just a different umbrella now.
Please use your vote and hopefully we will go forwards with at least a start up grant, our other branch and regional assets in our possession and not taken by a liquidator.
Thanks to everyone who has been part of these fantastic branches and the part they have played in spreading our embroidery joy.
Marianne Young.