Programme and Workshops Archive
1 November
Frances Daunt - Felt with the heart.
Frances is an animal artist from Lea who specialises in felted art work. She views her felted pieces as wool ‘paintings’ and loves to introduce people to the idea of art being created in a none traditional medium. She has recently won the Keith Shackleton Award (judged to have captured the essential essence of the subject) for her Kingfisher picture ‘Dinner Time’.
6 December
Kathryn Ashcroft - Jarvis the Mouse.
Kathryn creates mixed media story-telling sculptures from up cycled and vintage treasures. Kathryn trained as a Theatre Designer, and worked for several years in the Art education sector. She always had a fascination with stories and histories, and collects profusely. She works with fragments of fabric, paper, wood and metal, with which she aims to fire up the imagination and encourage audiences to engage playfully with her work.
4 January
Member led evening - ‘Whose garden was this?’
(This is the title of a song written by Tom Paxton). This is an introductory evening introducing the theme and programme of events that will lead to an exhibition of work in spring 2020.
Come ready to be introduced to new aspects of textiles and also be inspired to create work of your own.
7 February
Momoka Gomi - The beauty of hand weaving.
I met Momoka, a recent graduate from Nottingham who studied weaving, when I went to craft fair at Saltaire. She was showing her weaving together with work she commissions from a village in China where they dye their own thread with plants they grow themselves and then weave to her design.
4 April
Member led evening - All Creatures Great and Small.
Hopefully we will be creating a design related to gardens to send off to a professional laser cutter. Please bring pencil, paper and any flora and fauna designs you have. Further details to come.
7 March
Janet Gilbert - Line of Enquiry.
Janet is interested in how basic shapes and marks placed in a row or a grid create pattern. She uses a single motif, over and over again. Current work is based on the use of lines, the negative spaces between the lines, and the rhythm created by repetition. At present she is working with dust sheet material, new, not used. The fabric is amazing, very flat and crisp at first but with washing becomes soft and crepe like. She likes the feel of the cloth and its texture; there is a depth to it. She also likes that it is a mundane, workaday cloth. With hand stitching the repetition builds its own rhythm.
2 May
Anne Alldread - Felt Magic.
Anne uses traditional felt making techniques to design and create hand crafted individual textiles these include interior accessories, fashion garments, accessories and 3D art works.
6 June
Sharon Belcher - Find out about Bosaline
Change to the programme for June: Some time ago I booked Sharon Belcher, a rep from Vilene, to come and talk about their products. I did this after wading through all the confusing variety at their stall at the Knitting and Stitching Show. Since then Sharon has changed jobs. She now works for an American firm called ‘Bosaline’. We had the choice of finding someone else from Vilene or having Sharon talking about her new products. I decided it would be interesting to hear about these new products. Bosal do battings, waddings, patchwork and quilting aids. They also do embroidery backers, specialist crafting products for bag making, home décor and storage pots. They are famous for Craft-tex, in R Form a fusible foam interlining. There are also dress making products. Their products are available from Lady Sew and Empress Mills. Sharon is very willing to answer questions so please think about any technical problems you have encountered or a 3D shape you would like to build but are not sure how to go about it.
15 June
Private Garden Visit - Members only.
4 July
Jan Jefferson - Amish Quilts.
Jan, the author of ‘Quilter’s Guide to Amish Quilts’, has a collection of Amish Quilts and will bring many of them to show us as she tells us about their makers and their history.
No Meeting in August
5 September
Tina Francis - Needlepoint Tapestry.
Tina has made modern tapestry her own. She has designed tapestry needlepoint kits and patterns with a design led edge.
3 October
Annual General Meeting.
Time to reflect on the past year and share ideas for the future.
November 2nd 2017
Bright Baubles for the Christmas Tree Jenny Scott
Jenny will lead the evening. She will show us how to turn a polystyrene ball into a bright and shiny Christmas tree decoration.
All the materials required will be supplied. At the end of the evening the baubles will be kept and used on our Christmas tree in the church.
We will return them in December.
December 7th 2017 (Speaker cancelled - rescheduled to April)
The rise of Arkwright’s spinning technology and the impact on family life Chris Lea, Arkwright Society.
Having visited a mill and looked at spinning and weaving machines, now is the chance to find out the huge impact these great factories had on the women who worked in them and their families. Not only the people who worked in these mills, but the many that sewed for a living as cheap and reliable thread became available. (not allied to the Arkwright Society)
January 4th 2018
Travel Inspired Stitch
Laura Marriott.Laura will be talking about how her travels influence her initial inspiration. She then goes on to grow the designs to be completely unique in all stages of the process from drawing to embroidery. She likes to push the technical side of the design to ensure her creations are original and different from anything that is being made by other artists.
February 1st 2018
Crafting the Digital
Sally Cooke. Sally is a maker and designer of printed textiles working with hand based and digital techniques. She takes inspiration from the bold simplicity of Scandinavian and mid-century design to create her own contemporary prints. Sally has a particular interest in themes of order and chaos within the design aesthetic and is a passionate advocate for the handmade and for slow fashion. She has recently introduced her Sallysally range of flat pack cut & sew products as a way to make it easy and fun for more people to learn to sew. She will be talking about her experience of making using hand and digital processes and how this led to the creation of the small business she now runs. Instagram:@sallysallycouk
March 1st 2018
Expert stitches from the past and the present.
We have booked two folios of work from the Embroiderers’ Guild collection.
One is “Historical - British work from the eighteenth century” and the other is ‘Edges’.
During the evening we will be able to study these two very different folios in detail. You are welcome to take photographs. sketch and make notes help fix an idea for use later.
April 5th 2018 (Rescheduled from December Meeting)
The rise of Arkwright’s spinning technology and the impact on family life Chris Lea, Arkwright Society.
Having visited a mill and looked at spinning and weaving machines, now is the chance to find out the huge impact these great factories had on the women who worked in them and their families. Not only the people who worked in these mills, but the many that sewed for a living as cheap and reliable thread became available. (not allied to the Arkwright Society)
April 14th to May 11th 2018
Over and Over and Over Again Branch Exhibition
This is a big celebration of the work we do. There are two group projects, digitally printed cushions and room boxes. Members will also display their own work based on the big cotton mills of the Derwent Valley.
Venue: West Studios, Sheffield Road, Chesterfield S41 7LL.
Opening times:
10 - 4 Monday to Friday
10 - 1 Saturday
May 3rd 2018
Connecting with nature. Helen Hallows.
Helen will talk about her creative journey and then give us a demonstration of her techniques. This will be followed by a question and answer session. There will be lots to look at and talk about.
June 7th 2018
Painting with the needle of a sewing machine. Margaret Fairhead.
Margaret has had a long, varied and successful career in textiles. She will show many pieces of her work which indicate the progress made from very early days in dressmaking, teaching to ‘O’ level, then moving to purely creative pieces. This will include acknowledgement of the people and organisations that have helped her on her journey.
June 16th 2018
Hilary Hollingworth Day Workshop.
Hilary works with the small stitches that women have always used to mend clothes. With these she creates lovely tiny pictures and patterns. The workshop is suitable for all levels of ability. We started to take bookings and payment at the April monthly meeting. If there are spaces left bookings can be made at the May meeting. The cost for the day is £35 which covers tuition and unlimited (almost) tea, coffee and biscuits. For those who have not been to a workshop before: the workshop will be held at the Friends Meeting House on Ashgate Road. There is limited parking but there is a public car park over the road. The doors open at 9.30am. This allows you to get organised before the workshop starts at The workshop ends at 4.00pm. We must be clear of the building by 4.30pm. When you book your place you will receive a list of requirements, etc. You need to provide your own lunch.If you have any questions please find me at the monthly meetings. See Hilary’s work at: Toni Stanford (programme secretary)
July 5th 2018
Members Only Outing - Come into the Garden.
Welcome to the garden and studio of one of our members. Members are invited to spend the evening visiting this lively studio and enjoying the beautiful garden and its views. The evening will also see the return of the travelling books.
No meeting in August
September 6th 2018
Treasure Trove of Textile Books: Looking between the covers of my favourite books. Gwenda Culkin.
I have collected textile and art books since being a child. Some have come and some have gone, but others I cannot part with. I will share with you a miscellany of my favourite books, old and new. I will enhance these with a few relevant artefacts.
Thursday 4th October 2018
Annual General Meeting. Time to reflect on the past year and share ideas for the future.
There is a pdf version of our programme at the bottom of the page that you can print out.
Theme of our Programme 2016-2017
There is a thread running through this year’s programme which we hope will lead to an exhibition in the Summer of 2018.
Over and Over and Over Again
We live close to a World Heritage Site which contains some of the earliest cotton spinning and weaving factories in the world. Thread is produced from fibres by twisting. For millennia this was a task undertaken by women in the home. Arkwright and his contemporaries speeded up this process a thousand times and put the women and their children into a factory setting.
In September 2017 we have arranged a group tour of the museum in Masson Mill, Matlock. Some of the evening meetings will be linked with this. There are two practical evening sessions to explore ideas; and introduce new materials and processes.
Members will receive a "goodies" to help them during the year with this project.
Thursday 6 October 2016 Annual General Meeting
Thursday 3 November 2016 Ann Dilkes: Ann’s Glorious Miniature Houses
We meet on the first Thursday of the month (except August) from 7 – 9 pm upstairs in the Saints Parish Rooms, St Mary's Gate, Chesterfield.
We have an Show Table most months but these are arranged nearer the time.
Thursday 2 February 2017 A member led practical workshop: The Many, the Miniature, and the Mysterious
Remember the lovely miniature worlds created by Ann Dilkes and the repeat patterns made by the cotton spinning machines? This is an introduction to creating a tiny manufacturing world in a small box. We start with a new box, between 6” and 10” cube, adding a collection of small metal fitments and other mysterious bits and pieces.
Thursday 2 March 2017 The Five Graces: A different way of working
The 5 Graces started in 2006 when a suggestion was made at a Guild meeting for people who might be interested in joining a small group to stitch pieces on a “Round Robin” basis. Interested people were to meet at Grace Leary's to discuss; and so it began!
Photograph: One of the pieces of work created by the 5 Graces
Thursday 6 April 2017 Hilary Tinley: Embroidery for the 21st Century Church
From her own experience as a Church embroiderer, Hilary Tinley explores opportunities to design and make embroidered vestments and furnishings. She argues that Churches can provide a valuable outlet for both decorated textile items and embroiderers’ artworks.
Thursday 4 May 2017 Hilary Hollingworth: A Darned Obsession
Ann became interested about 15 years ago and has been an avid dolls house miniaturist up to the present time. She will bring along room boxes and samples of items she has made, using everyday objects, which will help us to look at familiar things in a different light. Nostalgia and smiles are always part of the evening. Show table: Christmas parcels made for the Festival of Christmas Trees
19 - 27 November 2016 Festival of Christmas Trees in Chesterfield Parish Church “The Crooked Spire”
For the last two years we have had a decorated Christmas tree in the Parish Church for the Festival of Christmas Trees.
This year we are making white parcels to be decorated in red and gold.
Open Times:
All days except Sundays 10.00am - 6.00pm
Sundays 12.00pm - 6.00pm
Admission Free
Thursday 1 December 2016 Nicola Jarvis: Fashionable Stitches 1997 to 2006
Embroidery and beading in the fashion industry across a decade.
We welcome back Nicola who will share her ten year’s experience of working with beads, in the fashion industry. This will link with her beading workshop on Saturday.
Saturday 3 December 2016 ONE DAY WORKSHOP Nicola Jarvis: Bejewelled Bird Brooches
We will spend the day learning techniques to use in applying beads and end with a lot of knowledge and a small brooch. Cost for the workshop is £35 and £15 for the kit. The kit will contain leather kid; felt; string padding; colour wire check; pearl purl; bright check purl; sequins and beads; and a brooch pin. For this workshop you only have to bring the odd needle, scissors and a packed lunch.
This workshop will be part of Kickstart (the East Midlands Region educational programme ).You don't have to take part in Kickstart to attend the workshop.
Thursday 5 January 2017 A member led practical workshop session: Over and Over and Over Again
Tonight’s session will be based on images from the collection held at Masson Mills, exploring the idea of pattern making using multiple repeats.
Members will start to design their own 45cm square pattern. These paper designs can be returned in March. They will be professionally digitally printed onto cotton fabric. The idea is for them to be made up into cushions, either as they are or further embroidered or quilted etc.
How is the thread we use formed? What is our local historical connection?We are hoping to use this fascinating collection of textile machinery dating from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries as the starting point for work to form part of our next exhibition.
The guided tour starts at 2.45pm and takes about one hour.
Thursday 5 October 2017 Annual General Meeting.
Time to reflect on the past year and share ideas for the future.
Sit and stitch in foyer of Chesterfield Library. Some of our cushions will be on display.
Thursday 7 September 2017 Branch Visit to Sir Richards Arkwright’s Masson Mills
Thursday 6 July 2017 Alysn Midgelow Marsden: Beyond Babies, Beetroots and Bunsen Burners
Alysn will talk about her latest works, exhibitions and interesting exploits since leaving the UK, throwing in a few scenic New Zealand images for good measure.
Saturday 5 August 2017 National Celebration of Stitch
This illustrated lecture tells of how a casual remark by a teacher at infant school developed into a way of working with stitch that has become an addiction. The talk reflects on how family background, personal and community memories become themes and subjects for stitched work. How themes develop into ideas and ideas are worked through into finished work. The lecture shows examples of personal work covering many years as a stitcher.
Thursday 1 June 2017 Helen Smith: Introduction to Japanese Kimono and Kimono Fabrics
Helen has loved and studied Japanese fabrics for many years and has built up a large personal collection.
1 October 2015 AGM
5 November 2015 Introduction to Japanese Kimono and Kimono fabrics: A talk by Helen Smith
After many years of collecting and dealing in fine fabrics, Helen discovered Japanese indigo cottons and recognised their excellence, both in design and in quality, she is delighted to be supporting fine artisan fabric in a machine-produced age. She will bring many examples of these fabrics and talk about their history.
Thursday 12 November to Saturday 14 November 2015 25th Anniversary Exhibition
10 am to 4 pm at Rose Hill United Reform Church, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LW
There will be an exhibition of members work with the theme of “Celebration”. We will be displaying a group project – the Christmas angels. There will be a sales table to sell non exhibition work. Refreshments will be on sale.
Saturday 21 November until Sunday 29 November 2015 Festival of Christmas Trees
We are making angels to decorate our Christmas tree in the Parish Church, Chesterfield.
3 December 2015 Nicola Jane Hilton, Embroiderer: A talk by Nicola Hilton
After tuition at the Royal School of Needle Work Nicola spent time at the London College of Fashion and Design. Nicola has worked on many prestigious pieces. She now works freelance on commission, conservation and teaching. Her talk will focus on stump work.
Show table: It is the Season of the Year.
Last year we looked at your collected angels (and we got the pattern for this year’s Christmas tree decorations from that meeting). This year we would love to see anything else to do with Christmas: embroidered table cloths, children’s stockings, wreaths, decorations both ones you have made yourself and special ones collected along the way.
7 January 2016 Establishing a Rhythm: A talk by Dionne Swift
Follow the development of her work; from the collection of ideas, images and concepts to the developing of notions and progression into stitch. There is a wealth of investigation and thought before she can contemplate sitting in front of her machine. Dionne takes the landscape as her inspiration and uses photography, drawing and painting to distil her images.
Show table: What has a Workshop ever done for you?
Many of us go to workshops, summer schools or courses run as part of a holiday. People travel to spend time with a favourite tutor or to study a special subject. It would be interesting to see some of the outcomes, both finished pieces, trial runs and failures (which we can all learn something from).
4 February 2016 Practical working evening - Birds, Beasts and Insects
We will be working from a portfolio from the Embroiderers’ Guild containing worked examples of:-
Bird motif using metal threads and floss silks; Indo Chinese dragon and three frogs.
Show table: Fabulous or Funny.
Tonight we will be looking at samples of historic 3D animals lent by the Guild. Have you ever made anything 2D or 3D, that involved animals, birds or fish? Maybe you have bought something at a craft fair or on holiday that would be interesting to see. One of our members still works from a 1950's book called “Toys for your Delight”. Do you have similar books that you could share?
3 March 2016 Working with Passion: a talk by Bobby Britnell
‘This lecture looks briefly at how I came into textiles, through working in the theatre and as a tailoress. It describes my drive and passion both as a teacher and as a practising artist and pays particular attention to the importance of drawing and designing in my work. It brings you up to date with my current work and my plans in the future. Plenty of visual material accompanies the lecture to hopefully inspire the audience.’
websites: and
Show table: All my own work!
Barbara Meeke will be sharing some of the lovely things she has created along the way.
Friday 4 and Saturday 5 March 2015 – Workshop: tutor Bobby Britnell
7 April 2016 Practical Workshop: run by members
Where to start, what to look at, which first steps to take, on a new topic for embroidery.
Show table: What we wear and how we look; all aspects of fashion.
We would love to see anything you have made or someone else has made to be worn or carried; things for a wedding or christening; to give as a present; or made out of desperation. Books, magazines, patterns and sources of ideas would also be interesting.
5 May 2016 Chameleon ‘Seasons in colour’: a talk by Tracy Oldhead
A fascinating insight into the world of colour and how it can relate to you. How to enhance your overall appearance by focusing on the best colours for you.(Part of the ‘Looking at fashion’ season
Show table: Entries for Kickstart and the Regional competition and a display of whatever we are doing for a stall at Regional Day.
2 June 2016 A Coastal Perspective: a talk by Alice Fox
Since graduating in 2011 Alice has focused her artistic practice on engaging with landscape, particularly coastal. Working on paper, silk and linen, Alice layers up print and stitch to make contemplative artworks that embody particular locations. Alice will talk about her work, particularly focusing on her 2012 residency at Spurn Point Nature Reserve, East Yorkshire. During the residency Alice developed particular ways of recording her experience of the landscape and using found objects from the beach for rust dying and mark making. During the project she made two large scale textile pieces for installation in the old lighthouse at Spurn as well as a series of smaller works.
Show table: The outcome of an experimental workshop.
Back in March Bobby Britnell ran an experimental two day workshop which was more about the journey than a finished piece. Lines, marks and models made during the classes and any work that has come out of it would fascinate us all.
Friday 10 June 2016 Stumpwork workshop with Nicola Hilton
We will be making a bumble bee beehive needlecase. The kit will be £10
1 September 2016 ‘Lest We Forget’, the story of a quilt: a talk by Jeannette Jackson
Recent family research starting with Victor born on 9th November 1918, led to the making of a commemorative quilt. His father volunteered in 1915, his mother volunteered for the women’s land army. This led to an interest in the role of women on the Home Front. The techniques used in the making of the quilt, which include the transfer of photographs onto fabric and the use of a sewing computer to stitch text are also covered in the talk.
7 July 2016 ‘Precious Memories’ figures, faces and fabrics: a talk by Jo Beattie
Jo uses the line created by her sewing machine to create intricate pictures of people, often large crowds. Using a simplified outline and the pattern of their clothes she brings the essence of the person to life
Show table: A display of whatever we decide to make for the National Day of Stitch
6 October 2016 A.G.M.
This is our programme. We have not yet finalised
The subject of the two member led workshops
The Exhibition Tables at each meeting - we arrange these nearer the date.
Dates for the Stitch Group in 2015
We will update this web page as and when the details are known.
6 November 2014 Silence and Space: A talk by Hilary Bower
Hilary describes her presentation as: “The talk will cover work made over the last six years or so. I will share the making of my solo exhibition at Bankfield Museum; and ‘Cloth and Memory’ at Salt’s Mill. It will also cover my ongoing investigations and explorations around the themes of silence, waiting, space and shadow.”
Exhibition Table: Books that inspire me. Books are a common Christmas present but it is often difficult to see them before buying. Please bring embroidery books and any other book that has inspired you artistically.
Saturday 18 April 2015 Exploring Mark Making and Drawing - The Second Workshop with Hilary Bower
The second workshop with Hilary Bower at the Harley Gallery.
7 May 2015 Member led practical workshop. Details to be arranged.
Sunday 17 May 2015 Regional Day at Becket School, West Bridgford
The Madeira Lecture for 2015 is “From Bark Cloth to Art Cloth – My Personal Journey” and will be given by Bobby Britnell.
The Regional Day Members' Challenge is: “Out of Africa.”
4 June 2015 Creating with Nature: A talk by Linda Rudkin
4 December 2014 The Story of The Collection: A talk by Barbara Meeke
The Guild has put together a collection of pictures of objects and their history in their museum quality collection. This covers a very wide spectrum of embroidery and Barbara will help to tell its story.
18 December 2014 Stitch Group
8 January 2015 Versatile Textile Techniques - Exploring Magnification and Chemical Reactions: A talk by Anna Krystyna Casey
Anna Krystyna Casey is a multi media textile artist. This is how she describes her talk: “Inspired by the intricate details of the world around us, my work is an assortment of unusual pieces exploring magnification. By exploiting chemical reactions, and carefully controlling and manipulating materials, I translate versatile textile techniques and imagery into sculptures and wall art. I have an accompanying range of home ware and jewellery.”
5 February 2015 A History of Buttons: A Talk by Jenny Swindells
We fasten them every day, but how much do you know about their history? Jenny is a member of the British Button Society and has been collecting and researching them for over thirty years.
She asks you to bring your button boxes to the meeting where she will identify and value them.
5 March 2015 An evening with Ann: A practical workshop with Ann Dilkes
More details nearer the time.
Saturday 8 March 2015 Exploring Mark Making and Drawing - a workshop with Hilary Bower
Hilary was our speaker in November 2014. This is the first of a series of two workshops which will be held at the Harley Gallery, Welbeck, Nottinghamshire. You need to be able to attend both workshops.
2 April 2015 Myanmar – A Story of Temples, Golden Pagodas and Traditional Village Life: A Talk by Barbara Meeke
Barbara describes her talk as:
“I went on an extraordinary, textile based, journey through Burma. This evening I am going to take you with me.”
20 November 2014 Stitch Group
22 November to 30 November 2014 Chesterfield Parish Church Festival of Christmas Trees.
We will be decorating a Christmas Tree for this event with stars made by members in red, grey and silver. See our home page for opening times.
This talk covers a variety of ways of using flowers, leaves and other natural resources directly in pieces of textile art.
There are design boards, notebooks, finished samples and pieces of work to show what can be achieved using these different techniques.
2 July 2015 The Art of Embroidery: A talk by Nicola Jarvis
Nicola describes her talk: “I trained on the three-year apprenticeship in traditional hand embroidery at the RSN from 1991 to 1994. I have enjoyed teaching and working on design commissions since then and was Deputy Course Leader on the RSN Foundation Degree from 2009 to 2011. I was part of the RSN team working on The Duchess of Cambridge's wedding dress. I was awarded ‘Overall Winner’ of the William Morris Gallery ‘Inspired by Morris’ art competition in 2010. I will give a slide presentation that tells the story of how I developed the exquisite embroideries for an exhibition based on William and May Morris designs and embroidered textiles.”
Saturday 11 July 2015 William Morris Inspired Crewel Birds Workshop
Nicola Jarvis (our July speaker) will be leading this workshop. This will be a practical stitch day with an expert. Nicola recently had a very successful exhibition when she took William Morris designs and those of his wife and friends and produced her own versions.
Saturday 1 August 2015 National Day of Stitch
We hope to spend the day sewing at Bakewell Old House Museum or Chesterfield Market but details are not yet finalised.
3 September 2015 Making with Found, Natural Materials: A talk by Jane Bevan
The talk will explore the types of found, natural materials that can be used to make artworks, including items from woodland and beach areas. These include bark, leaves, feathers, shells, seeds and acorn cups.
There will be original artworks to handle and examples of the techniques used such as stitching, twining, tying and binding. Images of other artists worldwide who use natural materials will be shown.
1 October 2015 AGM
We meet at the Saints Parish Rooms, 3 St Mary's Gate Chesterfield S41 7TJ (just below the Crooked Spire church), on the 1st Thursday in the month 7pm for 7.15pm - 9pm. Please see our home page for a map of the venue location.
3 October 2013 AGM and an opportunity to see photographs of some of the postcards created by Embroiderers' Guild members
7 November 2013 Felt Flowers: a member's workshop organised by Jean Groom when we will make our own felt and shape it into a flower.
5 December 2013 All that Glitters: a members workshop organised by Sue Woods when we will use beads, sequins and other embroidery “bling” to make a small embroidery. Special chocolates will be provided.
2 January 2014 Decorate your Felt Flower: A members workshop where you will have the opportunity to decorate the flower you made in November. If you didn't make it to the November meeting there will be the chance to make a felt flower.
6 February 2014 Memo to Self - MA and Beyond Sarah Burgess will talk about her current work. She is a local artist and textile worker.
Exhibition table: Chris Commons
6 March 2014 May your stitches be tight! Melanie Bermingham will give a talk about traditional stitches on felt. Melanie is based at the Felt Studio in Staffordshire and her work centres on using felt. There will be an opportunity to see and handle work.
Exhibition table: Grace Learey
3 April 2014 Threads of Connection - following the threads. Talk by Kate Wells. Kate will be talking about her work.
Exhibition table: Sheelagh Doran who will bring work that she is doing for the online EG City and Guilds and bring magazines from the Danish Embroiderers' Guild
1 May 2014 Moving on: a personal view Talk by Gwen Hedley. Gwen is based in Kent and is a textile artist and freelance teacher. She has written two books “Surfaces for Stitch” and “Drawn to Stitch”
Exhibition table: Work for Regional Day and Kickstart
Friday 2 May 2014 (workshop) Creative Connictions: Gwen Hedley. An all day workshop. More details of cost and venue later.
5 June 2014 Talk by Gilli Theokritoff. Gilli is a quilt artist who is fascinated by fabric and pattern and all the possibilities that they hold
Exhibition table: Work and photographs from the Gwen Hedley Workshop
3 July 2014 Visit to Bakewell Old House Museum which has a collection of textile pieces which we can inspect.More details later.
4 September 2014 Talk by Roanna Wells. Roanna is a Sheffield based fine artist who is fascinated by the similarities between pen on paper and thread on fabric.
Exhibition table:Summer School Spectacular. Members work, photos and experiences from summer schools, workshops and private study done over the summer.
27 September 2014 (Saturday) All day workshop with Gilli Theokritoff. Title to be confirmed.
2 October 2014 AGM
Exhibition table: Work and photos from the Gilli Theokritoff workshop
2012January 3rd Toni Stanford 'Follow a word' Toni will give practical ideas for altered images in your book
February 7th Bookbinding with Matt Edwards - a mini workshop on Japanese Stab binding
March 7th Nepalese Children's Trust talk and sale of goods
April 4th Linda Bellinger will lead a mini workshop on Mono printing
May 2nd Illuminated Letters - a practical session on creating and painting an initial on fabric led by Chris Commons
May 10th Screen Printing - full day workshop with Dionne Swift This Friday workshop will take place at Friends Meeting House
June 6th Clare Gage from Created Gallery will talk about 'Running a Gallery'
July 4th Guest Speaker TBA
August no meeting
September 7th Story telling and stitiching with Ingrid Karlsson-Kemp Ingrid's take on Swedish Folk Art
October 4th AGM
6th December 2012 Members evening There will be nibbles and soft drinks
Penny will bring materials for you to "paint" the pages of your book, please remember to Bring a book with you if you want to do this activity this evening.
there will be fabric, thread, needles available if you would prefer to stitch a page to go into your book later.
3. There will be examples of altered books made by members so you will be able to see the many and varied ways of doing them, and people will be on hand to talk through the process and the alternatives.
If anyone has examples either their own or published material please bring them along
4. There will be a branch sales table and you can run your own sales table if you wish (10% or 100% of proceeds to the branch. Remember to bring money in case you feel the temptation to buy.
5.Ann Dilkes will be bringing along another of her guessing ganes similar to last year's "How many Buttons in the Jar" so bring a little money for that if you wish to have a go
We look forward to a good relaxed evening of sharing information, a bit of fun and chatter in the pre-Christmas spirit.