Angels and Festival of Christmas Trees 2015
Angels and Festival of Christmas Trees 2015
We've been making angels to hang on our Christmas tree for the Festival of Christmas Trees in Chesterfield Parish Church (the "Crooked Spire" at the end of November 2015.
Members were given a pack containing felt and the pattern and were asked to make red and white angels. The angels could either be left flat or padded. As ever, there were a variety of interpretations and a an impressive range of different materials used to create a collection of very different angels.
Photographs: 4 of the flat angels and four of the padded angels showing how different all the angels were
You can see pictures of all the angels in our Album called Branch Activities 2015 in the Gallery section of this website.
If you want a pattern for making these angels it can be downloaded from this web page
And here are some pictures of the decorated tree (unfortunately the lighting was not good in the church and does not do justice to the tree and angels.)
A closer view of part of the tree
The completed tree
Photographs: A pile of angels waiting to go on the tree
Radio Sheffield interviewed us and took pictures of the tree for their website.