Resources that are no longer current
Christmas tree parcels
This page contains resources that are no longer current for Chesterfield Branch but may still be useful if members want to refer to them.
What this page is about and how to use it
This page is intended to provide copies of all the documents that we have circulated to Branch members and which members might still want to refer to.
All the files are shown at the bottom of the page.
If you just want to view the document on-line, click on its picture or the text below.
If you want to print out a copy of the document, click on its picture or text and then click on the print icon which is on the top right hand side of the document that you will be taken to.
If you want to download the file to your computer, click on its picture or text and then click on the arrow on the top right hand side.
Christmas Rings
We made these for A Festival of Christmas Trees 2018. The pattern for these can be found in the file called: Christmas Rings.pdf
We made parcels to hang on our Christmas Tree at the Festival of Christmas Trees 2016. There are a number of ways of making a parcel. Here are instructions for one method in a file called:Instructions for Christmas Parcels.pdf
There are 2 templates that can be used to make an approximately 5cm cube shape. Which template will be most helpful will depend on how you are planning to decorate the cube. The templates are in the files called:
Template for cube V1.pdf
Template for cube V2.pdf
Christmas Angels
We made angels to hang on our Christmas tree for the Festival of Christmas Trees in the Parish Church in November 2015.
You can find the pattern and instructions for making the angel in the file called:
Christmas angel pattern.pdf
Leaves for the National Day of Stitch 2016
You can find the pattern for the leaves in a file called: Leaf instructions.pdf
Fantastic Felt Fish
We made fish for the National Day of Stitch in 2015.
The pattern for the fish is in the file called: fantastic felt fish.pdf
Information about beetle wings
Information about Goldwork
We prepared some information for out members about silver "goldwork " threads and other silver coloured materials used in "goldwork" for our Celebration Exhibition (our 25th anniversary). These stockists will also sell gold "goldwork" materials.
You can find this information in the file called: Silver threads.pdf
Information about beetle wings generally; how they have been used in textiles historically; other sources of information and pictures; how to make holes in them for attaching like sequins; and where you can buy them from can be found in the file called:Information sheet re beetle wings.pdf
Information about a design technique that uses a camera can be found in the file called: Beetle wings and the camera.pdf
General information about embroidering with beetle wings can be found in the file called:
Embroidery with beetle wings.pdf
Christmas Stars
We made these starts for the Festival of Christmas Trees in the Parish Church in 2014.The pattern for the stars can be found in the file called: Christmas star.pdf
Felt Birds
We made these birds for the National Day of Stitch 2014. The pattern for making these birds can be found in the file called:
Felt bird pattern.pdf