East Midlands Region
Embroiderers Groups
Welcome to the website for the East Midlands Region Embroidery Groups.(EMREG) .
Image top of page - Flower Meadow by Lynda Herd (Stamford Stitchers)
Most Groups are now meeting again on a regular basis, with Talks and Workshops on offer to all interested in Textiles, whether it be Stitching, Felting, Patchwork & Quilting, Beading etc. as well as an opportunity to meet up with like minded people.
We have a map on our About Us page to find which is your nearest Group.
Check out the Group Pages above to see what different Groups are currently offering.
Our site is still intended for all those with an interest in embroidery and textiles, and whether your interest is in stitching, in research or just a general one, our website should have something for you. By browsing through this site you will see we have a great deal to offer you by way of Talks, Workshops, and Exhibitions, as well as opportunities to meet up with like minded people.
Follow the menu links to find out more about us, discover how we can help you with your creativity or research and see just how much you could get involved in.