About us
Welcome to Derbyshire Branch of the Embroiderers' Guild
We are part of the nationwide Embroiderers Guild:
a group of like minded individuals who enjoy all aspects of textiles and stitch.
We have risen to the challenge and our Branch and Stitch meetings are on Zoom.
Please click here to see our Current Programme page for details
Under normal circumstances we meet on the second Saturday of the month at St Mary's Church Hall, Darley Lane, Derby DE1 3AX
for two sessions.
Visitors are welcome to come for all or part of the day - though if you plan to stay for the day please bring a packed lunch
10:30am coffee, tea and cake
11:00am notices followed by our speaker
12:30pm approx lunch
13:30pm approx afternoon workshop
Saturday Morning Talk
This is an opportunity to meet inspirational textile artists, hear them discuss their work and influences and see examples of their work.
Saturday Afternoon Workshop
Sessions led either by our morning speaker or members. This is a great opportunity for stitching together, to be inspired by the speaker and each other and to socialise in relaxed surroundings. These sessions are to share ideas, to work towards branch, regional and national projects - but you can just bring along your current work if you wish!
We have a number of Projects on the go, please click here to see our Project Page for details
In addition our branch holds other regular groups and events:
Day Schools
We hold four Day Schools a year at Friends' Meeting House, 56 St Helens Street, DE1 3GY. These sessions focus on specific skills and techniques and are led by experienced and knowledgeable tutors, (10:00am - 16:00pm) at a cost of £30
Stitch Friday
This is an informal and relaxed monthly stitching group where members can bring their individual pieces of work to sew and discuss with other textile enthusiasts: a great way to meet other dedicated stitchers. Cost £5.50 for three sessions. Tea / coffee and biscuits provided
Textile Library
We have an extensive collection of textile related books which are available for members to borrow at our branch meetings. The titles are frequently updated to ensure that they represent the latest ideas and techniques in modern embroidery as well as more traditionally based books
Outings to Textile-Related Destinations
Each year we have an annual outing in August. Some of the places we have visited:-
The Hat Works at Stockport https://www.stockport.gov.uk/topic/hat-works
and The Whitworth Museum at Manchester, https://www.whitworth.manchester.ac.uk/
The Silk Museum at Macclesfield https://macclesfieldmuseums.co.uk/
and The Foxlowe Art Gallery at Leek https://foxloweartscentre.org.uk/
In addition, each year we visit Fashion and Embroidery / Sewing for Pleasure / Hobbycrafts at the NEC in March and
The Knitting and Stitching Show at Harrogate Conference Centre in November
Branch Newsletter / "Keeping In Touch"
In order to keep up with textile / embroidery news members receive a monthly branch newsletter. This includes information on projects and initiative not only from our branch but also from our East Midlands Region and the National Guild.
Since meetings have been suspended owing to Covid 19 we now have a shorter weekly newssheet,
"Keeping in Touch" which contains items sent in by members on their work and experiences during lockdown.